Enrich your customer data with Opportunity Finder

Join us for this six-part blog series where we’ll spotlight each of the key pillars of Opportunity Finder – the end-to-end revenue generator that can help you identify, engage, and close key accounts.

How to enrich your customer data

Businesses are always trying to crack the code of getting better return on investment (ROI) from marketing spend, and with growing uncertainty over the current economic climate, finding ways to optimise budget for best results is key.

Pipeline generation and activation requires applying various strategies along the full sales funnel to fully engage and convert prospects to opportunities effectively.

This first instalment of a six-part blog series will delve into the first element of Opportunity Finder’s key pillars – Enrich – defining the importance of data to set your campaign up for success. Each blog will show how each step was designed with revenue generation in mind to identify real opportunities, not just leads that sit stagnantly in the pipeline or are discarded.

Data Science in B2B marketing:

When it comes to developing a valuable B2B marketing strategy, it goes without saying that accurate data is key to building a sturdy foundation. Companies can often fall at this first hurdle – they struggle with siloed, inconsistent, and incomplete data. In the data science world, garbage in i.e., poor quality data, is garbage out that lacks actionable insight.

Better decisions start with better data, so Opportunity Finder starts with data to derive the information needed to select the right contacts to accurately target our client’s messaging. We use our first party and intent data enhanced with technographic and firmographic data to optimise outreach from the offset.

In a fast-paced marketing and sales environment, it’s crucial to strategically direct your resources to where they will have the biggest impact.

Usually, a wide range of data is analysed to reach informed decisions, help define Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) and identify high potential opportunities more accurately.

Insights are gathered from first and third-party data sources to enrich your database with key information and intent data about your target companies, so you are fully equipped to understand what influences your prospects buying behaviours so you can adapt your outreach strategy from the outset.

Part Two will spotlight the second pillar of Opportunity Finder – “Find” – and will showcase our Contact Findr service which can help you pinpoint the right people and buying committees to speak to.